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Your Career Search Privacy Policy

At Your Career Search we respect the privacy of our visitors and are committed to preserving your online safety by preserving your privacy at any time you visit or communicate or store your personal details with our site.

During the course of our normal operations it is required that the candidates input information to our site including some details of a personal and identifying nature. It is further a core function of our site that the information gathered from candidates in made available to clients seeking connections with jobseekers.

Please do not submit personal information to us if you do not wish us to collect and use to create your profile.

Regarding data protection, we take data protection very seriously and understand the importance of protecting your privacy and Personal Information. “Personal Information” is information that identifies you as an individual such as your name, date of birth, email address, IP address, and CV.
Please do not submit personal information to us if you do not wish us to collect and use to create your profile. Also, please bear in mind, a large amount of your personal information is contained in your Resume/CV, cover letter, or application to a job. Please do not include any details in your CV that you do not wish to be shared with job providers or their agents.

Our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy offers you a thorough explanation regarding your personal data provided to us or any data we may collect from you.
This Privacy Policy is updated from time to time, usually as a result of new legislation or new ”best practice” methods being discovered, therefore, Our Privacy Policy should be reviewed occasionally to ensure you are happy that the way we are collecting and using your Personal Information, and that it remains in accordance with our current Privacy Policy.

Collected Information

Personal data is collected and processed during the normal operations of our website. The following are ways we may collect your data, together with examples of information that is often included:
Technical data regarding your visit(s) to our website and any affiliated resources used are collected. The following is included but not limited to: location data, weblogs, traffic data, and any other communication information.

General identification and contact information can include: your IP Address, name, address, telephone details, positions held, qualifications, gender, status, family status, date of birth, place of birth, interests, hobbies, and skills developed. Again, this list should not be viewed as exhaustive as the contents of any documents uploaded by the candidate would be entirely beyond our control.
Any information submitted by candidates, such as registration forms, completed on our site can be added to the candidate profile.
Any physical attributes including photos, blogs, or references
If for any reason you communicate with our personnel or site we may collect information.
Inputted information can and has included: Sensitive information including religious beliefs, political memberships, ethnic origin, criminal record, and driving license and passport information.
Marketing preferences, including: contests, prize draws, customer satisfaction surveys, salary details, and email matching partners and courses
Statistical information, including: site visits, users and demographic details, to provide reporting details and other lawful purposes. We may provide this information to customers, advertisers, suppliers, third party aggregators, and other reputable third parties. At all times where we provide
such information then we will provide this in an anonymous format and not include any personal information unless otherwise stated.
Publicly available information relating to the employment history, educational, professional history, educational, skills and experience data, blogging or any professional association relating to job seeking.

There are instances where we may use cookies to gather information regarding our services in a mathematical collection for our website and our advertisers.
Any information collected will not have any identifying data. It is statistical data about our visitors and how they have used our site. No personal details will be shared that could identify you.
We may assemble information about your common internet use with a cookie file. When used, the cookies are downloaded to your computer automatically. The cookie is stored on the hard drive, with transferred information. The data sought by the cookie helps us improve our website and any service offered to you.
Your browser has the ability to decline cookies. This is done by setting your browser options to decline all cookies.

Note: if you do decline the download of cookies, some aspects of our site may not work or allow you access.
Our advertisers may download cookies to which we have no control. If used, these cookies are downloaded by clicking on an advertisement found on our website.

Our Use of Your Information

Information stored or collected regarding you helps us improve our practices and offer new services you need. The following list contains how we might use the collected data. Any request you make of our site or personnel allows us to use information you provided us with, relating to the products or services we have. We may also send information on products or services you may be interested in, as long as consent has been received.
Contract Commitments: To meet any Commitment we make to you.
Changes or improvements made to the site can warrant use of your information, with regard to notification of such changes.

An existing customer may be contacted regarding products and services related to any item of previous sale you made on our site.
We may use data or allow third parties to use information that is not related to goods or services you may be interested in. We or third parties contact you only if consent has been provided by you at any time, based on information we collected.
Any new customer can only be contacted by us or third parties if consent has been offered via our site. We only send communications you have consented to.
Anyone who does not wish to give consent for our site or third-party use, can decline. Once we receive your “withhold for consent” we will remove your details from any mailings or third party communications.

None of the information collected about you will offer identifiable characteristics. Information shared to a third party is statistical only. We will not reveal who you are, only mathematical and statistical information about our visitors.
Typically, we will communicate with you via email, mobile text messages, push notifications and/or SMS via a range of topics but primarily with:
job matches
administrative information including policy changes
research, surveys and competitions
training and courses
job seeking related improvements
blogs, advice on recruiting and job seeking trends
data trends and reports
affiliated job opportunities

Managing your Personal Information

When you create an account with us it is protected by your password and may only be accessed by you. You can manage the content and information in your account by logging into your Job seeker account.
You can change, deactivate and delete your account at any time.

Personal Data Storage

Locations outside the European Economic Area (EEA) may be used for transferring data we collect about you. These data sites are for storing or processing of your information. The information we share outside the European Economic Area may be shared with staff based on the process and storage of said data. It may include such processes as processing a payment or offering support for your service or product needs. The staff processing or storing information may work for our suppliers outside the European Economic Area. By submitting your data to use you have agreed to this transfer and storage of data. We take all reasonable action to ensure the safety of your personal data in agreement with this Privacy Policy. Due to the global nature of our business, and technologies required, your Personal Information may be transferred to third party service providers outside the EEA where there may be a lower legal level of data protection. In all circumstances we will only enter legal contracts in accordance with this privacy policy and the European levels of data protection assessed on a client by client basis.
Information we are provided with will be stored on secure servers. Transaction data is encrypted for your safety.

You should understand data transferred via online transmission can never be completely secure. We cannot guarantee full protection and security of data, only that we take all reasonable action to protect information sent to us electronically. Transmission of any data by you is at your own risk. Where applicable you may be given access to sections of our site that require a password. You are responsible for the passwords safety and its confidentiality.

Information Disclosure

At times we may disclose personal information to persons in our group. This can include subsidiaries, holding companies, or any other subsidiaries involved in our business, if applicable.
Third Party disclosure may occur for the following reasons:
Selling any or all of our business to a third party may result in sharing your information.
At any time when we are legally required to we may disclose information about you and your visits to our sites.
To prevent fraud and help in fraud protection in order to reduce credit risk, we may disclose information.

Third Party Links

Third party links may be discovered on our site. These third-party links have their own privacy policy, which you agree to when you click on the link. We are not responsible, nor do we accept responsibility, for third party links. Our liability covers us only on our site, and thus we do not accept liability for third-party links as we have no control over them.

Information Accessibility

We cannot withhold access to the data we collect about you, as per The Data Protection Act 1998 or that falls under GDRP legislation, This act provides you with access to any information we may hold on you and you are granted the following rights:
the right to ask what personal data we hold about you at any time and if you wish to have access will be subjected to a fee by law which is currently £10.
the right to update any information and correct any data we hold
the right to opt out of any marketing communications that we may send you a reply within 30 days of any request

We can refuse a request if we believe the request is unfounded for any reason. The requestor will receive communication stating the reason(s) why within 30 days.
Please use the contact details below to formulate your data access request.

Contacting Us

Please feel free to contact us with queries, requests, or comments you may have about our Privacy Policy. We welcome any communication via the email address supplied here:

Changes to the Policy

We regularly review the Privacy Policy and reserve the right to make changes at any time to take into account changes in legal, political, and business requirements. Updates will be placed on our sites and can be viewed as “Last Updated”.


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